Friday, December 20, 2019

Servant Leadership - 3135 Words

Servant leadership is a vital element in the most successful companies in the United States. The concept of servant leadership has been around for a long time and for good reason. It’s a solid concept whose potential is finally being realized. The following pages will examine the benefits of servant leadership and what it is. Its role in the workplace will be examined and why it plays a crucial function in the success of any organization. Before it can be determined whether servant leadership is needed, let’s examine what servant leadership is. Servant leadership is based on the principle of serving others. The concept of servant leadership was conceived by Robert K. Greenleaf (1977), known as the originator of this management style.†¦show more content†¦Commitment to Growth- Servant leaders feel people have an incredible aptitude for knowledge and personal development. They are dedicated to the progress and professional evolution of the people who are under their mentorship. Stewardship- An organization that exercises stewardship holds their companies in custody for the best interest of the general public. Peter Block, who wrote Stewardship: Putting Service Ahead of Self-Interest, â€Å"uses stewardship to replace leadership to keep his focus on the next generation and to help us advance our concepts about control and compliance in relation to leadership† (as cited in Applied Leadership for Effective Coalitions, 2001). Focus on Community- Creating a sense of community is a vital function for the servant leader. They build a corporate environment that is based on the collective best interest for all. Servant leadership is needed in the workplace because it has so many benefits to offer the company that employs it. One of the advantages this style of leadership offers is it can turn a human resources nightmare around. A company that is facing high turnover and having problems with employee retention can change their situation by implementing servant leadership. Research has shown that employees who feel the companies they are working for appreciates them are motivated and viewed asShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Of Servant Leadership854 Words   |  4 PagesUnit 2 Journal The second unit ‘Leading by Serving’ discussed the topic of servant leadership. Through examples of people from past and present we learned who servant leaders are and what their qualities and characteristics are. We also learned about the importance of servant leaders in other people’s lives and that being a servant leader is a decision and has nothing to do with our position. In my life there has always been a group of people who I admired for having something what I described toRead MoreServant Leadership Characteristics Of A Servant Leader881 Words   |  4 Pagesthe broadest sense, a servant leader is one who leads others with the mindset of a servant. The primary motivation of a servant leader is to provide encouragement and facilitation in others by treating them as an ends in themselves rather than as a means to an ends. A servant leader values the people he or she leads by sharing power and enabling others to develop and flourish (Waterman, 2011). Waterman’s (2011) study found the following: The expression of servant leadership characteristics in serviceRead MoreServant Leadership Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesServant Leadership Human Resource Management, Spring 2010 Introduction In the first major paper on stakeholder theory, Edward Freeman and David Reed state that a stakeholder is Any identifiable group or individual on which the organization is dependent for its continued survival. (Freeman and Reed 89) Given that these groups input are all vital part of an organizations success, creating solutions that benefit all stakeholders is important for long term success. Solutions thatRead MoreThe Power Of Servant Leadership1312 Words   |  6 PagesThe Power of Servant Leadership Many individuals placed in positions of authority become less mindful of others feelings and needs; meanwhile, their subordinates devote tremendous energy to watching and interpreting the actions of their leaders and the end result is a toxic tandem where employees feel underappreciated and over controlled (Marquis Houston, 2015). This statement presents a problem in the work force today that needs to be combated by a different type of leadership than most are usedRead MoreServant Leadership By James C. Hunters The Servant1266 Words   |  6 PagesServant Leadership and its Application to Nursing Practice The basis of the â€Å"servant leadership† theory is that in order to be a good leader; one must be a servant, first (Hunter, 1998). Although, the concept of â€Å"servant leadership† can be applied to any field, many nurses identify with the â€Å"servant leadership† style the most. James C. Hunter’s book, The Servant, portrays a difficult journey of understanding this concept, while also addressing many of the main components of â€Å"servant leadership.†Read MoreThe Contribution Of Servant Leadership1310 Words   |  6 PagesServant-leaders strive to impact people and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. The major underlying principle is that servant-leaders will sacrifice their own agendas for the sake of their followers, while inspiring followers to become servants themselves (Crippen, 2005, p.33). Leadership that moves to serve can impact educational organizations and strengthen a culture of educational professional learning. Crippen (2010) shares, â€Å"Servant leadership situates itself comfortably withinRead MoreThe Leadership Style Known As Servant Leadership1920 Words   |  8 Pagesresearch the Leadership Style known as Servant Leadership. In an effort to understand how Servant Leadership is different from other styles of leadership, this research paper will seek to define Servant Leadership and provide useful examples of companies that currently operate under this style of leadership and will seek to answer the questions: â€Å"Is it profitable to do so?† and â€Å"Are the customers more satisfied?† Background In Biblical times, Jesus Christ modeled servant leadership for his disciplesRead MoreServant Leadership : The Servant848 Words   |  4 PagesServant Leadership Paper: (5%) After reading the book â€Å"The Servant† complete a 2-3 page paper on how: 1. How Servant Leadership applies to Nursing 2. How would you use Servant Leadership in your nursing practice 3. How does Servant Leadership apply to a nursing theorist you are familiar with Servant Leadership describes its leaders as those who are able to achieve results for their organization simple by serving the individual team members first and making sure their needs a priority. In thisRead MoreServant Leadership : Nursing Practice936 Words   |  4 PagesServant Leadership in Nursing Practice The concept of servant leadership has been in practice long before Greenleaf coined the term in the seventies (Spears, 2010). Servant leadership in its most simplistic form is defined as, â€Å"serving others before serving ourselves† (Davenport, 2015, p. 301). The characteristics of servant leadership have been developed to aid in today’s leadership roles in regards to nursing practice. The author will discuss three characteristics- listening, awareness, and commitmentRead MoreThe Art And Characteristics Of Servant Leadership1327 Words   |  6 PagesServant leadership is an art. It’s a model of ethical management, and approaches ethical leadership and decision making based on the moral principle of serving others first (Carroll Buchholtz, 2012, p. 234). This concept came about from the works of Robert E. Greenleaf. He retired from ATT after 38 years, and then he founded the â€Å"Center of Applied Ethics† which was later named the â€Å"Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. (Carroll Buchholtz, 2012, p. 234). Robert Greenleaf ‘s teachings revolved

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Johnny Five Essay Example For Students

Johnny Five Essay The tell 1964 AD: Archeologists that are getting workers to do some digging for Jewish treasures like the monorah in the fertile crescent = Israel. They are in opposition on the ways of the jews, CULLINANE(Irishman) is introduced as main archeologist, in favor of equality, ELIAV thinks women arent equal and they like it that way. The big find is the CANDLESTICK OF DEATH, nations fight over who gets it, tourist attraction. They integrate the different stories with this quote: The Hoopoe bird ought to be the world symbol for archaelogists. Us archaelogists also go furiously about, poking our noses into the earth. Also talks about the flints that are found on the dig site that are relating to those of the UR family. Later on found more stuff that showed how much the Old Testament had evolved just in 1100 BC. Cullinane thinks that the Jews right to Israel is of custodianship..END: Conclude that Makor was burned around 66 AD by Vespasian. American and Israeli converse about different big topics. ELIAV FINDS A FLINT FROM A HAND AXE SOME 200,000 YEARS OLD, BEFORE HOMO ERECTUS.PLOT*Makor is most charming of the Roman colonies (architecture) in the Jewish kingdom of Israel. *Fall of Rome caused by degenerate Emperors: 1Tiberius 2Caligula 3Claudius*Ongoing thought: if the British had succeeded in their plan for turning Palestine over to the Arabs, Jews would have hated them forever*Should it be Israel or PalestineThe tell 1964 AD: Archeologists that are getting workers to do some digging for Jewish treasures like the monorah in the fertile crescent = Israel. They are in opposition on the ways of the jews, CULLINANE(Irishman) is introduced as main archeologist, in favor of equality, ELIAV thinks women arent equal and they like it that way. The big find is the CANDLESTICK OF DEATH, nations fight over who gets it, tourist attraction. They integrate the different stories with this quote: The Hoopoe bird ought to be the world symbol for archaelogists. Us archaelogists also go furiously about, poking our noses into the earth. Also talks about the flints that are found on the dig site that are relating to those of the UR family. Later on found more stuff that s howed how much the Old Testament had evolved just in 1100 BC. Cullinane thinks that the Jews right to Israel is of custodianship..END: Conclude that Makor was burned around 66 AD by Vespasian. American and Israeli converse about different big topics. ELIAV FINDS A FLINT FROM A HAND AXE SOME 200,000 YEARS OLD, BEFORE HOMO ERECTUS. The Bee Eater 9831 BC: Cave men, UR is introduced as leader that goes into a tree to get bees honey for the rest of his tribe, because they are not able to get sweet through anything else. Urs daughters dog got speared by a hunter which she at first hated and then married. The hunter died on a hunt when he got attacked by a beast.Of Life and Death 2202 BC: Priest hooks up with a prostitute named Libamah, her babies are sacrificed to the fires of Milak. Hebrew guy is trying to have the real gods overtake the lower gods. An Old Man and His God 1419 BC: The god EL-SHADDAI threatens people to not worship other Gods. Big into all these different gods. Weird shit. Hebrew guy is trying to have the real gods overtake the lower gods. Psalm of the Hoopoe Bird 963: In Makor City. Hoopoe was trying to divise a water system throughout Israel. The Voice of Gomer 605 BC: Hebrews were punished by the Assyrians led by Yahweh. .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .postImageUrl , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:hover , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:visited , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:active { border:0!important; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:active , .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8 .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b76896c52b5096418e24c189b03dbd8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Epic of Beowulf - Symbols and Symbolism of B EssayIn the Gymnasium 167 BC: Addresses mainly the different Jewish Haulocaust and attempts to make Jews extinct.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

English for Law and Human Behavior-

Question: Discuss about theEnglish for Law and Human Behavior. Answer: Should Juveniles be tried as Adults? (Source: Common dreams, 2017). Introduction Life is very precious and we live it for once, what we do with it depends on our own decision. It is very shameful that many individuals at their young age involve in criminal activities and become juvenile criminals. It is analyzed that every action has many consequences and to handle the issues we have a juvenile justice department. It is considered as a network of agencies that handle the issues of juveniles. These agencies take into consideration police, court, detention, prosecutor and also the Department of Juvenile Corrections. When the youngsters commit more crimes, then they are sent to adult court.(Salekin, Grimes and Adams, 2015). There are many penalties that are imposed and also sentences up to life in the prison for a long time. Is it correct? Do these youngsters have the capability to understand the crimes they are doing? Is there any age limit that should be considered for introducing these youngsters into the adult justice system? These questions make people wonder that is it effective or is there any better way to handle the young criminals in a proper manner. By considering the recent scenario, it is seen that the crime rate is increasing and also there are many evidence related to it. It is seen that the majority of youngsters are engaged in the crimes. It is believed that majority of the young children belongs to a background that have a high rate of learning disabilities (Decker and Marteache, 2017). It is also argued by many people that in many states the court does not evaluate that if a minor is competent to proceed in criminal court or he or she has a mental disorder. Not all the courts consider the same procedures, but some follow proper criteria to transfer a juvenile to the criminal court (Bechtold and Cauffman, 2014). I believed that the society play a significant role in child development. If the children are raised in an environment where they experience a violent behavior, then they are supposed to do the same. Many youngsters are controlled by the companies that conduct unlawful practices and promise them to remove poverty. The main focus should be given to those who are younger than eighteen. They should be punished with the people of the same age group (Monahan, Steinberg and Piquero, 2015). Conclusion It is also evaluated that many people believes that if the youngsters are able to do a crime like murder, then they must be treated as an adult and not as a child. In the agreement with Thompson, there are many juveniles that run with their gangs or commit murders but instead of punishing these youngsters with adults why these people are given jobs to clean up the streets from drug dealers and gang violence. No person is born criminal, but the humans adapt their surroundings and also get influenced by the activities. So, the juveniles should be not be sent to an adult court. References Bechtold, J. and Cauffman, E., 2014. Tried as an adult, housed as a juvenile: A tale of youth from two courts incarcerated together.Law and human behavior,38(2), p.126. Decker, S.H. and Marteache, N. eds., 2017.International handbook of juvenile justice. Springer International Pu. Monahan, K., Steinberg, L. and Piquero, A.R., 2015. Juvenile justice policy and practice: A developmental perspective.Crime and justice,44(1), pp.577-619. Salekin, R.T., Grimes, R.D. and Adams, E.W., 2015. 13 Clinical Forensic Evaluations for Juvenile Transfer to Adult Criminal Court.Learning Forensic Assessment: Research and Practice, p.294.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

1984 And Big Brother Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four,

1984 And Big Brother 1984 shows how our lives will not be as secret as they are now. Oceania has no privacy and America is turning into that. In some ways America already is like Oceania. There are many elements in the book to compare with aspects in American society today. So in many ways George Orwell was right and maybe there soon will be a government very similar to the one in 1984. One element in the book 1984 is Big Brother. He is the ruler of Oceania. He is not one person but a name for the whole government. Big Brother could represent our government today. We may not know it but the government knows everything about us. All they need is our name and social security number and they could learn a lot about us. The government has our previous jobs, where we went to school and where we live. Big Brother is also like that in the book, probably even worse. Big Brother is even more intruding than our government today and the only way to get away with things is by thinking them. It even says on a sign, "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU" (5). Another element in the book is the Thought Police. They are much different than the police in our society today. The police in American society can arrest you for things you only do while the thought police can arrest you for things you think. "It was even conceivable that the Thought Police watched everybody all the time" (6). If they don't see you getting involved or screaming during the two minute hate they will arrest you. The only similarity is that they both enforce the law. Otherwise they are totally different. The telescreen in the book watches almost every move you do. It invades your privacy and you have no way of getting away from it except by thinking. "Any sound Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it" (6). Today we have surveillance cameras, which watch you too, but these are for safety purposes so no one can rob a store or commit a crime. These cameras are not everywhere either, only in stores, banks, buildings, etc. So I don't think surveillance cameras and the telescreen are comparable. Another element is The Brotherhood, "an underground network of conspirators dedicated to the overthrow of the state" (15). This can be compared to God. It is the people's hope. This is the only way the people will overthrow the government. God is our hope in society while Big Brother was their hope. Only some people knew it because others were happy with the government. But they didn't know the government was taking too much control. The Brotherhood is trying to save the people. I think there is a similarity between that and God. One last element are the Ministries. There are four ministries "between which the entire apparatus of government was divided" (8). This can be compared to our government. We are divided into sections too. Ours are different and we usually have one main person in charge of those sections such as, the secretary of defense and secretary of state. These are much similar to the Ministry of Peace and Ministry of Plenty. So it shows they had a state of order as we do. In conclusion I think America is turning into Oceania. Your credit card knows a lot about you, like what you buy. With computers today all your information is out there. We give out our credit card number when it comes to computers so we have to trust a lot of people. Certain people know things about us that we don't know about. It is not as bad as Oceania but they are secretly taking over.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Head Injuries

Head injuries are some of the most difficult injuries to manage in the pre-hospital setting. Head injuries account for about twenty five percent of trauma deaths and are a direct result of a force exerted on the skull and/or brain (Campbell 114). There are many types of head injuries divided into several categories: primary brain injuries, secondary brain injuries, concussions, cerebral contusions and structural injuries to the skull and scalp. All significant head injuries should be managed aggressively in the pre-hospital setting to provide the patient with the best clinical outcome. Primary brain injuries are a result of the initial damage to the brain tissue and a result of the force of the injuries (Campbell 115). Types of primary brain injuries include: gun shot wounds that penetrate the brain, depressing skull fractures that displace brain matter and any trauma to the head that results in the brain striking the inside of the skull. Common causes of primary brain injuries include rapid deceleration injuries such as head on motor vehicle collisions were the patient’s head strikes the windshield and the brain continues to travel forward and strikes the inside of the skull, this is known as â€Å"coup injuries†. The brain can also rebound and strike the opposite side of the skull, this type of impact is known as â€Å"contracoup injury† (Campbell 115). Early and proper management of primary brain injuries including rapid transport to a qualified trauma center can prevent the progression to secondary brain injuries. Secondary brain injuries are caused by the body’s natural response to the primary insult (Campbell 115). Contributing factors to secondary brain injuries include: hypotension, decreased profusion to brain, hypoxia and fluid accumulation in the intracranial space. As with other tissues in the body, when struck with significant force the tissues swell as part of the inflammatory process. The main problem bei... Free Essays on Head Injuries Free Essays on Head Injuries Head injuries are some of the most difficult injuries to manage in the pre-hospital setting. Head injuries account for about twenty five percent of trauma deaths and are a direct result of a force exerted on the skull and/or brain (Campbell 114). There are many types of head injuries divided into several categories: primary brain injuries, secondary brain injuries, concussions, cerebral contusions and structural injuries to the skull and scalp. All significant head injuries should be managed aggressively in the pre-hospital setting to provide the patient with the best clinical outcome. Primary brain injuries are a result of the initial damage to the brain tissue and a result of the force of the injuries (Campbell 115). Types of primary brain injuries include: gun shot wounds that penetrate the brain, depressing skull fractures that displace brain matter and any trauma to the head that results in the brain striking the inside of the skull. Common causes of primary brain injuries include rapid deceleration injuries such as head on motor vehicle collisions were the patient’s head strikes the windshield and the brain continues to travel forward and strikes the inside of the skull, this is known as â€Å"coup injuries†. The brain can also rebound and strike the opposite side of the skull, this type of impact is known as â€Å"contracoup injury† (Campbell 115). Early and proper management of primary brain injuries including rapid transport to a qualified trauma center can prevent the progression to secondary brain injuries. Secondary brain injuries are caused by the body’s natural response to the primary insult (Campbell 115). Contributing factors to secondary brain injuries include: hypotension, decreased profusion to brain, hypoxia and fluid accumulation in the intracranial space. As with other tissues in the body, when struck with significant force the tissues swell as part of the inflammatory process. The main problem bei...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Letter to my High School Counselor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Letter to my High School Counselor - Essay Example As an initial matter, I realize that many people go to college in order to secure a high paying job. My family has reminded me, for instance, that college is expensive and a huge investment in my future. There is no question that I will be forced to find a job in order to pay back my student loans. In addition, I further recognize that employers value students with particular types of degrees and who graduate from highly-ranked universities. Had I chosen to pursue my engineering studies at Berkeley, there is no doubt that I would have been granted access to elite employers from around the world. Finally, I recognize that many colleges today are rethinking their programs and their curriculums. There is a growing amount of pressure for colleges to prepare students for employment; more particularly, prospective students are very interested in knowing the average employment rates and the average salaries of each college's graduates. This, in turn, has led to an emphasis on programs which cater to engineering, science, and business. In the final analysis, both students and colleges seem to be more interested in seeing colleges prepare students for high-paying jobs. These imperatives are both economic and practical given the increasing costs of education and the value which employers and society place on particular types of education and skills. Despite these arguments, many of which are valid, I am not persuaded that short-term employment prospects are strong enough to change my mind. I may be a traditionalist, but I have always envisioned education as something much broader and much more significant than a sort of quasi-vocational training. I have chosen to major in English literature because I believe that college is more about training the mind in a more interdisciplinary manner.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations Essay

The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations - Essay Example Their main concern is aggrandizement of wealth and the means employed to secure the goal are of no consequence to them. They encourage their senior staff to adopt unethical procedures and soon it becomes the policy of the organization and standard culture of the industry. Ethical diameters are linked to the behavior of the top management and the middle level management and the employees follow the guidelines as per the directions of the masters. To contain the unethical behavior of the employees the management needs to go to the root cause of the problem. A fair system of compensation that will benefit all the employees must be in place as otherwise some employees may pursue their own objectives rejecting the company’s interest altogether. They may use the system to benefit to themselves. The management should always remember that the employees can build an organization as well as they can break it. If the goodwill of the company is lost, in the present highly competitive busi ness environment, it is difficult to recoup it. When the ethical base is strong, the employees will be responsive to the directions of the management. 3. Organizational culture implies dual responsibilities. On the one side are the employees of the organization and on the other side it reflects on those who deal with the organization. Such a culture relates of the entire gamut of activities of the organization. When it is sound the consequential benefits are the enhanced image, public good will and the increased ability to attract talents to be part of the organization. For the employees to be basically sound and industrious basic conditions need to be created first and that is possible by adopting the best ethical practices. 4. Ronald R. Sims tenders two important suggestions for creating and maintaining ethical- oriented culture. That the top managers need to set the standards as it makes the big difference and the lower-level employees follow

Monday, November 18, 2019

SCIE210 U3DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SCIE210 U3DB - Research Paper Example Proper sealing and insulation can help reduce the energy consumption at home (Leonard, 2007). For instance, a home with cracks that allows excessive airflow in the house causes the heating and cooling appliances to over work thereby consuming a lot of energy. To achieve this, there is need for homeowners to use the recommended R-valued insulators during construction, which may be a challenge especially when one is buying a home. The use of energy saving appliances is another simple step towards reducing energy consumption at home (Chiras, 2011). For instance, there are energy saving bulbs recommended by the U.S department of energy. These are just a few steps of reducing energy consumption at home. The development and production of vehicles that can use alternative energy sources has also been seen as advancement towards energy conservation. The U.S Department of energy (2013) gives the use of natural gas as one of the alternatives. The use of natural gas has one major advantage that it is renewable thereby offering energy security compared to using gasoline. In addition, I would consider using natural gas because it gives the same results of engine power just like gasoline and conserve the environment at the same time being it has low emissions (PNSC energy,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors Influencing Accuracy of Interpersonal Perception

Factors Influencing Accuracy of Interpersonal Perception What factors influence the accuracy of interpersonal perception  and the judgments we make about other people? Within the social environment, interpersonal perception is used frequently to make judgments about other people. The accuracy of these can have considerable bearing in a business context, affecting, for example, whether a colleague is considered trustworthy or an individual motivated enough to warrant managerial training. These are clearly important decisions which could prove detrimental to an organisation if incorrect, yet for a number of reasons, assessments of other people may be quite inaccurate. By recognising such risks, the organisation may be able to develop strategies to help ensure more effective decision-making and operations. Establishing the accuracy of social judgments is highly complex and perhaps impossible (Pennington 1993: 108). Most such assessments have a culturally situated element: they are made in socio-cultural contexts that influence what might be correct. For example, Saucier and Goldberg (2001), who have carried out research in the applicability of personality testing in different nations, find that terms used to describe personality do not have equivalents in all languages, resulting in a need to recognise different personality frameworks from region to region. Various cognitive phenomena have been identified that may also compromise accuracy. Stereotyping, for example, is identified by Huczynski and Buchanan (1991: 48) as present in interpersonal perception, and involves attributing particular qualities to an individual on the basis of limited information using prior knowledge and experience. The tendency to stereotype has been attributed to cognitive economy (Pennington 1993: 115-6). Because the environment is so rich in information, the cognitive processing capabilities of the mind struggle to respond to it all. Stereotyping allows a detailed assessment to be created from limited information processing, making fewer cognitive demands. However, because a large proportion of information is overlooked, stereotyping can lead to significant inaccuracies. The related concept of prejudice is described by Goleman as â€Å"emotional learning that takes place early in life† (1996: 157). Goleman notes that nevertheless, individuals typically deny prejudices and attempt to justify prejudiced decisions by formulating alternative reasons for them (ibid). This perhaps reflects the cognitive dissonance of wishing to appear reasonable within a context where prejudice is unacceptable while nevertheless holding such beliefs. This results in a situation where not only do prejudices lead to inaccurate assessments, but also the reasoning behind the assessments is itself inaccurate. The fundamental attribution error (FAE), described as â€Å"the tendency to attribute another person’s behaviour to their dispositional qualities rather than situational factors† (Langdridge and Butt 2004: 359), has been widely researched by psychologists working in the social cognitive tradition. In Western cultures, the FAE is reflected by a scenario where a worker blames having to de-ice their car (a situational factor) before driving to work for their lateness, while their employer may see it as a reflection that the worker is poorly organised (a dispositional factor). Again, cultural factors are influential: it has been found that in the US, dispositional biases are widespread while in East Asia a more holistic approach is taken (Norenzayan and Nisbett 2000: 132), resulting in the FAE being less commonly seen in eastern cultures (ibid). Huczynski and Buchanan (1991 48-9) suggest that if interpersonal judgments are to be more accurate, then it is important to be self-aware and recognise one’s own biases. However, even this process demands culturally-situated reflexivity and may be subject to similar inaccuracies. For example, Seligman finds that the majority of individuals overestimate their social skills, with the most accurate self-perception being among those with depression (1990: 109-110). This may suggest that a positively distorted view of oneself is advantageous to well-being, and that its abundance leads to poor evaluation of others because of individuals’ inability to recognise their own weakness of judgment. A further factor to consider is whether judgments are made by individuals or socially. Gleitman identifies the mechanism of social comparison as important in making judgments: this involves establishing what others’ views might be in order to help form a judgment (1995: 418). Group dynamics were explored extensively by Tajfel, who notes several characteristics of stereotyping in group situations with, for example, role stereotypes are more often applied by groups to themselves (the in-group) while ethnic stereotypes are more often applied to out-groups, the groups which are not part of the in-group (1982: 5-6). Additionally, if one member of a group stands out from the others, the tendency of the rest of the members is to stereotype them more actively (ibid: 8). The mechanisms by which judgments are made may contribute towards inconsistencies between individuals making them. Comparison is fundamental to assessment, according to Mussweiler (2003) who argues that this is done against a standard already established by the judge. Because of individual variations, different judges would be likely to use different standards, leading to different assessments. Comparison against low standards may lead to the ‘halo’ effect, where an individual is seen more positively than might be warranted (Huczynski and Buchanan 1991: 48). Another issue is the use of formalised models that may have limited flexibility and overcategorise. This is particularly relevant when applying theoretical constructs in the workplace. For example, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests that individuals move up through different levels of need as each lower level is satisfied (Maslow 1943). It has been criticised for its implication that one need will take precedence (Hersey et al 1996: 45), but it is possible that for some individuals, higher needs may be of little interest even when lower needs are satisfied. The challenge emerging from the above evidence is to establish whether it is possible to minimise risks of poor judgment through conscious effort to overcome the cognitive mechanisms leading to biases. While it is possible that formal controls such as empirically-tested measures could help, there are still issues of the informal judgment of one individual when introduced to another, not to mention the practicalities and ethical issues regarding testing. Overall, this appears to be an area where inaccuracies and biases may always be influential to some degree, thus awareness may be the best approach to preventing them having a detrimental effect on the organisation. Bibliography Gleitman H (1995) Psychology 4th Edition (New York/London: W W Norton and Company) Goleman D (1996) Emotional Intelligence (London: Bloomsbury) Hersey P, Blanchard K and Johnson D (1996) Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources 7th Edition (New Jersey: Prentice Hall International) Huczynski A and Buchanan D (1991) Organizational Behaviour 2nd Edition (Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International) Langdridge D and Butt T (2004) ‘The fundamental attribution error: A phenomenological critique’ in British Journal of Social Psychology Vol 43 pp357-369 Maslow A (1943) ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ in Psychological Review Vol 50 pp370-96 Mussweiler T (2003) ‘Comparison Processes in Social Judgment: Mechanisms and Consequences’ in Psychological Review Vol 110 (3) pp472-489 Norenzayan A and Nisbett R (2000) ‘Culture and Causal Cognition’ in Current Directions in Psychological Science Vol 9 (4) pp132-135 Pennington D (1993) Essential Social Psychology (London: Edward Arnold) Saucier G and Goldberg L (2001) ‘Lexical Studies of Indigenous Personality Factors: Premises, Products and Prospects’ in Journal of Personality Vol 69 (6) pp847-879 Seligman M (1990) Learned Optimism (New York: Simon and Schuster) Tajfel H (1982) ‘Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations’ in Annual Review of Psychology Vol 33 pp1-39

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers

Death Penalty The death penalty, outlawed in most of Europe, Canada, Australia and most other countries in the world, is still practiced in almost 40 states in the U.S. Today, there are more than 3,000 people on death row waiting the day of their execution. They are put to death by methods such as hanging, electrocution, lethal injection and by firing squad. Since the death penalty was reinstated bye the supreme court in 1976, by the Gregg v. Georgia decision, more than 525 people have been put to death. Today there are many people for the death penalty and see nothing wrong with it but there are many people who feel hat it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. The 8th amendment of the U.S. protects its citizens from cruel and unusual punishment but the death penalty hasn’t fell under the amendment yet. Nobody on either side of the death penalty debate wants to see an innocent person put to death, and yet studies have found that one in seven people sent to death row are later proven innocent. Still more innocent people are being sent to death row each year. In one case a prisoner was two days away from being executed when he was proven innocent. That means that many people reach death before they are proven innocent. In the last twenty-four years eighty-five innocent people have been released from death row, and will never get back the years of their lives they missed but just escaped a murder of themselves. In Illinois the governor has blocked executions to find out why more death row inmates have been found innocent and released than executed. The governor of Illinois is not the only one examing the death penalty but many others are looking further into the capital punishment. New technologies, like DNA testing, have made it possible to definitely prove or disapprove innocence in hundreds of cases where genetic evidence has been preserved. In many cases DNA evidence has been a troublesome effort, requiring lots of resources and sometimes taking years of effort to work. Many people, regardless of their viewpoint about the constitutionality of the death penalty, would agree that if a person was going to trial and could be executed, he would be represented fairly. However there are factors unrelated to the crime that have been committed that determines who gets executed and who doesn’t. Those factors are poverty, race, and geography. It has been pr... ...egulations concerning the death penalty. Something so important as a person living or put to death should be a nation wide regulated act not for each state to have its own standards and rules. The death penalty should be banned because of many reasons, which make it unfair. In order to live if you are innocent and convicted of a crime and receive the death penalty you have to be white, very wealthy to provide a good representation and have to live in a state, which doesn’t strongly use the capital punishment for sentencing. Many studies show that a majority of people favor alternatives to the death penalty such as life in prison without parole plus restitution to the victim’s family. Out of three hundred and fifty convictions in which a person was given the death penalty and proven that they didn’t commit the crime, twenty-three were executed before they could be released. This means all of the years they sat in jail knowing their innocence they didn’t get to find out that they were proven not guilty by the system. I don’t think anyone would want to be in their position so the death penalty should be abolished for many reasons until it is fair and 100 % right in its convictions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How To Catch Fish In Southern California Environmental Sciences Essay

This paper discusses how to catch a batch of fish while seawater fishing in Southern California. It discusses three chief types of fishing: kayak, breaker, and party boats. It talks about cogwheel needed for each type of fishing, locations in which to angle, and what fish to angle for during different times of the twelvemonth. Often times, some say that fishing is non a athletics for them. It is frequently considered to be deadening, and some say they do non hold the forbearance to sit around and wait for a fish to seize with teeth. While some may non hold forbearance to wait on fish, the chief job is non that it takes excessively long for fish to seize with teeth, They merely do non cognize how to acquire fish to seize with teeth. Catching a batch of fish takes a batch more than merely throwing a worm on a hook and fliping it into the H2O. Although this method may work from clip to clip, but for existent action one must acquire a little more involved than that. One must larn to angle in order to bask catching many fish. Saltwater fishing in southern California is an experience that will derive mass measures of assorted fish, provided the fisherman knows how to angle. One must cognize what types of fishing are available and which type he/she will angle. Another of import spot of information needed, is to take from the 1000s of points of angling cogwheel, to utilize while fishing. The locations in which to angle, is another really of import factor, that will greatly impact a fisherman ‘s result. Finally, which species to angle for, during what clip of twelvemonth, and with what tackle is the following most of import issue to catching fish. Once a fisherman has a cognition of the type of fishing to be done, the cogwheel needed for each type of fishing, the locations to angle, and the species of fish to angle for, he/she will get down to catch a batch of fish. The first measure in catching the most fish in Southern California ‘s seawater is to take a type of fishing that is best for the fisherman. â€Å" Fishing in Southern California is much like a deluxe assortment. And what ‘s so fantastic is that there are so many ways to take part in this banquet † ( Albert, 2003 ) . There are many types of fishing to be done, nevertheless with a limited paper length, merely three will be covered. The first is kayak fishing, this is a low to medium cost of on the H2O fishing that can suit into most fisherman ‘s budgets. The 2nd type is surf angling which includes fishing from shore, docks, and wharfs. Last but non least is angling off shore from a party boat, where fishers pay a captain to take them out on the H2O for specific fish. In order to find which type of fishing is to be done, the fisherman must take a closer expression at the cogwheel needed and cost for each, and find what best fits his/her budget. Kayak fishing, is one manner that a fisherman can bask angling on the H2O without the big cost of a fishing boat and care fees that come with it. â€Å" As we are all cognizant of we are in some tough economic times and even though kayak fishing is a reasonably cheap athletics relation to having a boat or engaging fishing ushers, it can still be a considerable investing † ( Cambria,2010 ) . A used kayak can usually be purchased with a monetary value scope from $ 300 up to $ 1000. A new kayak can be purchased for every bit low as $ 600 up to $ 2000 ( Cambria, 2010 ) . There are besides several locations that a kayak can be rented from for $ 50 to $ 100 a twenty-four hours. The monetary value of the kayak depends on the brand and theoretical account to be purchased or rented. For seawater fishing outside of bays and seaports it is recommended that one purchase or lease a sit on top kayak designed for managing unsmooth moving ridges, nevertheless an older theoretical account, sit in kayak will work. Another initial pick to be made in the purchase or lease of a kayak, is how many seats will be needed. For a individual individual there are individual place kayaks ; tandem and three place kayaks are besides available at a small higher monetary value, for those angling with more than one individual. Along with the purchase or lease of a kayak comes the fees of safety equipment, angling cogwheel, and establishing fees. Safety Equipment, a really of import factor while angling from a kayak. This type of fishing is done on the H2O, off from shore, so a flotation device is necessary. â€Å" Kayaks, that for one ground or another fill with H2O, either sink or go hopelessly unstable. This is less than desirable † ( Hutchinson, 2004 ) . There are several floatation devices available that scope from life waistcoat to existent kayak floats ; the monetary values of these vary by brand and theoretical account but can be purchased for every bit low as $ 20 and up to $ 200. It is of import to besides retrieve that while kayaking the fisherman is exposed to sunlight, so it is really of import to hold sun block and a chapeau to assist protect from Sun Burnss ( Hutchinson, 2004 ) . The Sun can be an enemy to fishing, if you get burned, it will turn a merriment and exciting twenty-four hours into a incubus that will non shortly be forgotten. Another safety point needed is leashs, these are cords that stretc h which are used to attach points to the kayak so that they do non acquire dropped into the H2O and sink. It is really of import to attach a leash to the paddle because if the paddle is lost the kayaker has no manner to paddle back to shore, it is besides recommended to attach fishing poles and any other points that the kayaker does non desire to lose. There are besides several other safety points which can be carried such as a cyberspace, foremost aid kit, tie down ropes, exigency stroboscope visible radiations, and many more. It is really of import to retrieve that there are ever dangers involved while boating. Basic fishing cogwheel needed to kayak fish. Saltwater anglers angling the seashore should hold at least one come-on projecting existent, a 6 to 7 1/2 pes fishing rod, a simple and easy to transport tackle box, maulerss, visible radiation to heavy weights, and plastic gigues or enticements ( Kovach, 2002 ) . An mean come-on projecting existent scopes in monetary value from $ 40 to $ 300, although these reels are more expensive than other types, the distance they can project and the retarding force system, designed to contend large fish, are far better than other theoretical accounts. The monetary value of angling rods range from $ 40 to $ 200, the better the rod, the larger fish that can be brought in without interrupting the pole. Light weight tackle boxes can be purchased for around $ 20, a tackle box must be easy to transport and little plenty to maintain in the kayaks limited infinites. Hooks, weights, and gigues or enticements will change in monetary value and depend on the spec ies to be fished for. The following factor in Kayak fishing, is cognizing where to angle. The full seashore of Southern California can be fished with a kayak, nevertheless, with the little scope of a kayak, it is of import to hold a launch site that will acquire the fisherman near to the fish. The easiest topographic points to establish a kayak is within a bay or seaport, although establishing from any beach along the seashore is possible, they are difficult to establish from, because of the breakage waves that one must contend, merely to acquire in the H2O. The bays along the southern seashore that can be launched from are as follows: San Diego, Mission, Encina, Newport, and San Pedro. The Harbors that are easy launch from are Dana Point, Huntington, and Los Angeles ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Most of these bays have free launch sites with free parking for those launching manus carried H2O trade, this is really good when on a budget. Great fishing can non merely be done in these bays and seaports, but they provid e entree to seashore, provided that the fisherman does non acquire sea sick. After taking a location to angle, the following measure is larning how to angle the location. This may even be the most of import factor in catching fish on a kayak, holding the right cogwheel in the right location is great, but without the cognition of how to angle the country, really few fish will be caught. A fish has merely two demands during most of its life, happening something to eat and avoiding being eaten, hence fish like to hold some signifier of screen near a current that brings nutrient stopping point to them ( Kaminsky, 1997 ) . Inside bays and seaports are many anchored canvas boats and yachts, every bit good as docks for fish to conceal under for screen. These bays and seaports besides ever have a strong current, so they are a great topographic point to catch fish. The current can be used to float through the bay or seaport, projecting near the boats and docks to entice the fish out of concealing for something to eat. With the same rule in head, angling outside of the bay or seaport should be done looking for the same factors, screen and current. Kelp beds ( seaweed ) , provide great screen for fish every bit good as under H2O reefs, canons, and peep ( Stienstra, 2008 ) . If a fisherman has added a fish finder to his/her kayak, so happening these reefs, canons, and peep will let for catching a big figure of fish which hide in them. Give the high monetary values for fish finders, most kayakers will non be equipped with one, so happening kelp beds on top of the H2O along the seashore provides for great fishing activity. Fishing these kelp beds is merely like angling near boats and docks, projecting near the kelp will pull the fish out from concealing for a bite to eat. The 2nd type of fishing to be enjoyed is surf fishing. â€Å" Surf fishing is adult male and nature at its best. It ‘s merely you, the boom surfs, sea birds and salt spray†¦ and hopefully the fish † ( Albert, 2003 ) . Surf fishing is another low cost manner to angle and bask the ocean. The tackle and equipment needed for breaker fishing is a 10 to 12 pes breaker angling pole with whirling rod that is capable of keeping 200-250 paces of 15 to 20 lb line. It is besides recommended to hold 2 to 6 ounce pyramid doughnuts, # 2 to # 6 maulerss, a sand spike rod holder, and come-on ( Albert, 2003 ) . An mean surf pole and stagger combination can normally be purchased from most retail shops at a monetary value scope from $ 35 to $ 100, these combinations normally come with the 15 to 20 lb line included. The remainder of the fishing cogwheel needed to surf fish can be purchased at merely about any retail shop for less than $ 50 sum. After the basic cogwheel for breaker fishing is acquired, the following most of import measure to set downing fish is cognizing where to angle. Southern California provides many countries to surf fish, most of the seashore is comprised of beaches which are great for breaker fishing, there are besides many wharfs and docks that can be utilized. Fishing from the beach, is non merely a great manner to angle that provides many species of fish, but it is a great manner to pass a twenty-four hours an flushing off from life on the beach. This requires the usage of a sand spike which holds the pole up high and keeps the line above the breakage moving ridges ( Pfeiffer, 2008 ) . Although beaches are beautiful to angle from, one may non cognize where to angle, because during a high tide all that can be seen is beach and ocean. The best manner to cognize where to angle from the beach is to look into out the beach at low tide and so angle at high tide. During the low tide, cuts and trenches in t he ocean floor can be seen. When high tide comes in, fish swim in these cuts and trenches looking for nutrient ( Ristori, 2008 ) . Once a fisherman knows where the fish will be, they can project into these countries and delay for the following fish looking for some nutrient. This may non be the fastest paced fishing, but it is great for disbursement clip with friends and household while fishing. For more impatient fisherman, gigues can be continually be cast out into these trenches and reeled in for more fishing activity. Another great manner to surf fish is from a wharf or dock, this is a signifier of fishing that opens the fisherman ‘s options up to whatever fish is swimming by. Three chief manner to angle from a wharf or dock are to drop the line straight down and wait for fish swimming and concealing under the wharf or dock ; projecting come-on out every bit far as possible, and allowing it set to catch anything liquid by ; or to project and existent come-ons and gigues in invariably maintaining them traveling, to catch fish that like unrecorded action come-on ( Albert, 2003 ) . With so many options, angling these wharfs and docks can supply much action throughout a twenty-four hours. If one manner is non working, another manner can be tried, and finally angle will be caught. None of the ways to angle from a wharf or dock plants better than the others, it is merely a affair of which manner works best during each visit. Fishing from a party boat is another great manner to saltwater fish Southern California. This type of angling takes the least cognition of how to angle and provides the most fish caught, nevertheless, it is besides one of the most expensive ways to saltwater fish. These boats have good successful captains and good trained crews that aid even the novitiate fisherman catch fish like a professional ( Albert, 2003 ) . It is of import to retrieve, these crews get paid to assist people catch fish, the captains know the good fishing musca volitanss and the crews know what come-ons and gear plants best for catching the fish. If a fisherman will inquire the crew a batch of inquiries, he/she will go forth the boat with a cognition of how to catch fish. Choosing a party boat, likely the hardest portion to catching fish on party boat is taking from the many boats available. These boats range from half twenty-four hours to seven twenty-four hours trips, and the cost scope from around $ 40 to 100s of dollars depending on the length. Fishing poles and all the cogwheel needed can be rented from the set downing supplying the boat for around an excess $ 20. It is recommended to hold at least two poles, maulerss, and heavy weights. â€Å" The longer the clip spent on the H2O the more chances for tapping the premier fish-holding countries † ( Kovach, 2002 ) . The longer the trip the farther the boat can go, so with longer trips there are more options for different fish. The chief factor in taking which boat to take most frequently depends on the fisherman ‘s budget. Another issue, is holding adequate clip to take these trips. An mean half twenty-four hours trip is around six hours long, three one-fourth twenty-four hours trips a re from eight to ten hours in length, and a full twenty-four hours trip is twenty four hours. Checking fish counts is another issue when taking the right party boat. This is frequently and unmarked portion when taking a party boat, each set downing provides a fish count from the old trip ( Kovach, 2002 ) . These fish counts tell anglers how many fish and what species are being caught so they can take what type of fish to angle for. Fish counts are non ever a great index of how fishing will be, some yearss are merely bad yearss, storms or cold foreparts may hold contributed to a low fish count. When watching fish counts, one can state that the best clip to take a party boat, is when they have been catching a batch of fish. The concluding factor to look at while taking a party boat is the location. Party boats operate out of over a twelve locations along the southern seashore. The landings from which they operate are as follows: Morro Bay, Avila Beach, Goleta, Santa Monica, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Long Beach, Seal Beach, Newport Harbor, Dana Harbor, Oceanside, Mission Bay, and San Diego Bay ( Albert, 2003 ) . Different locations have many different variables such as H2O temperature, surface conditions, and species available for angling. The farther South, the heater Waterss with sandier undersides which are great for warmer H2O fish like Tuna. More northern locations do non hold as warm of H2O and have more bouldery undersides, so rock fish are normally aimed for when angling these boats. After taking the type of fishing, geting the basic cogwheel needed, and taking a location to angle, a fisher must cognize what type of fish to angle for. This requires cognizing what type of fish are available at what seasons and what come-on or undertake the fish will seize with teeth. There are over 250 types of fish in the Pacific ocean ( Dunaway, 2004 ) . This adds to the exhilaration of seawater fishing, because it is about impossible to cognize all the types of fish that are in the ocean and what they eat or what come-ons to utilize, so one can ne'er state precisely what fish will caught on any given twenty-four hours. However, if a fisherman has no thought of what to angle for, opportunities are they will non catch many fish, because they do non cognize what come-on or tackle to utilize. Due to H2O temperature alterations throughout the twelvemonth, different fish are available at different times. The most common species of fish available in Southern California are Yellowfin Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, Dorado, Yellowtail, Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, Sand Bass, Rock Fish, Halibut, Sharks, and Rock Cod. These fish are available at different clip of the twelvemonth, Yellowtail, Halibut, Rockfish, Sharks, and Rock Cod are around all twelvemonth. Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, and Sand bass can be caught from May through October. Yellowfin Tuna, are merely available between July through October. Albacore Tuna come along the seashore from June through September. Big Eye Tuna can be found between August and September, and Dorado can merely be caught from July through September ( Mailly, 2010 ) . Occasionally throughout the twelvemonth, warmer currents may convey other species that are usually found further south, while at other times colder currents sometimes br ing in fish that are usually found further north. Knowing when these fish are available, makes it easier to be after angling trips and cognize what may be seize with teething. Having a cognition of what fish are around during what clip of twelvemonth is a large aid in catching them, nevertheless, an apprehension of what come-ons and undertake each fish will seize with teeth will increase the fisherman ‘s opportunities well. Bait is some signifier of existent nutrient for fish, in most instances come-on should be something that is natural to the environment being fished ( Ristori, 2008 ) . The best seawater come-ons for Southern California are squid, anchovies, mussels, clam, pilchards, and sand worms. Tackle, sometimes referred to as gigues or enticements is meant to portray some signifier of come-on in the country, although sometimes fish will strike something that does non resemble anything else in the ocean. ( Ristori, 2008 ) . Most saltwater fish can be caught utilizing a piece of come-on on a hook, but some are more prone to strike on unrecorded come-on or gigues that are traveling. Yellowfin Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, Dorado, Yellowtail , Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, and Halibut prefer unrecorded come-ons or gigues that imitate them. Sand Bass and Rock fish are more disposed to strike on balls of come-on on a hook but while angling in the bays, these fish will strike on different colored gigues. Shark will merely approximately eat anything but the best action for them is with large balls of come-on on a hook. When nil is seize with teething the come-on or jigs one is utilizing, it is easy to acquire discouraged and give up on the twenty-four hours of fishing, but during these times, it is a good thought to seek different come-ons or gigues that are non normally used, sometimes the fish will merely hit off the wall points ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Many fisherman can verify that sometimes fish merely wo n't seize with teeth anything that they normally would, other times they will hit anything in the H2O, it is of import to non acquire discouraged and seek something new every one time in a piece. Once the fisherman knows what come-on will be used, he/she will necessitate to hold the right hook for that come-on. Proper hook choice, is frequently, the most unmarked piece of equipment in a seawater angler ‘s tackle box Large maulerss, can curtail motion of come-ons, while excessively little of a hook, can ensue in hapless incursion. A frail hook, may interrupt when contending stronger fish, and a heavy responsibility hook can change action of enticements and come-ons ( Kovach, 2002 ) . This being said, hook choice is really of import, and the best manner to cognize what hook to utilize for what come-on or enticements, is to inquire person at a come-on shop. Normally the people who work at come-on shops have a cognition of what they are selling and how to angle with it. If taking a party boat out, the crew specialize in how to set up a line to catch fish, so it is really of import to inquire inquiries. The most common used hook for seawater come-on is a saltwater # 2, but o nce more different come-ons need different maulerss. After the proper hook is achieved, one must cognize how to hook their come-on in order to catch a fish. â€Å" An angler may have the finest tackle in the universe yet non hold productive yearss on the Pacific because he does non cognize proper hooking methods † ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Other than calamari, come-on tends to fall away of a hook really easy, so cognize how or where to hook come-on is really of import. Anchovies, pilchards, and any other little fish that may be used as come-on can be hooked through the oral cavity and skull to guarantee it will remain on, this besides will do them look like a unrecorded swimming come-on while floating in the H2O. For unrecorded come-on, it is of import non to kill the fish while hooking it, so it is recommended to hook them in a gill, behind the eyes, or in the tail. These methods of hooking take pattern to happen the right topographic point that it will non easy interrupt free. Squid is the easiest of all come-ons to hook, because wit h its rubbery tegument, it will keep to a hook all twenty-four hours. It is besides of import to retrieve that fish should see come-on and non a hook when they are nearing 1s line. â€Å" Give a adult male a fish, and you feed him for today. Teach a adult male to angle, and you feed him for a life-time † ( Moncur, n.d. ) Becoming a fisherman is more of a challenge than is assumed, there are many factors that need to be learned before one can truly catch a batch of fish. Once one has learned how to catch fish, it is possible for them to hold ne'er stoping angling action.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Make Metamucil Flubber (Recipe)

How to Make Metamucil Flubber (Recipe) This recipe makes the non-sticky sort of rubber or gelatinous slime that is known as flubber. The difficulty is average, but only takes about 15 minutes! Flubber Slime Ingredients 1 teaspoon Metamucil or similar soluble fiber8 ounces watermicrowave-safe bowlmicrowave ovenfood coloring (optional) How To Make Metamucil Flubber Mix 1 teaspoon of Metamucil with 1 cup (8 ounces) of water in a microwaveable bowl. You can add a drop or two of food coloring if you wish. Alternatively, you could add a little powdered drink mix or flavored gelatin to get color/flavor.Place bowl in the microwave and nuke on high for 4-5 minutes (actual time depends on microwave power) or until the goo is about to bubble out of the bowl. Turn off the microwave.Let the mixture cool slightly, then repeat step 3 (microwave until about to overflow). The more times this step is repeated the more rubbery the substance will become. The purpose of the cooling step is to check the consistency of the slime and prevent it from overflowing the container.After 5-6 microwave runs, (carefully - hot hot HOT) pour the flubber onto a plate or cookie sheet. A spoon can be used to spread it out.Allow to cool. There you have it! Non-stick flubber. A knife or cookie cutters may be used to cut the flubber into interesting shapes. The shapes will slowly me lt as the slime flows. Flubber can be stored at room temperature in a sealed baggie for several months. It will last indefinitely in a sealed bag in the refrigerator. Useful Tips If the flubber is sticky then the amount of water needs to be reduced. It should be clammy, but not sticky. Use less water next time.Please use adult supervision. Molten fluids and microwaves are involved!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Use of Bibliography Compared to the Use of Literature Review

The Use of Bibliography Compared to the Use of Literature Review 82% of students who take a gap year, first of all, want to rest and take a step back from the academic field. So, if you are reading this article right now, you either have already enjoyed your time free from papers and research, or dismissed this opportunity not to waste months on understanding who you are and what you want to do with your life. Anyway, all your decisions have led you to this point when you need to grasp the difference between the use of bibliography and literature review (yeah, students often get them confused while writing academic assignments). You have to get your bearings around these two notions in order not to mix them up and submit polished, flawless papers with all its parts completed correctly. Now let’s see what the fuss is all about. Purpose The annotated bibliography is compiled to give a reader a review of all the sources used in an academic piece and their relevance to the topic together with their credibility. In the meanwhile, the literature review has to provide a brief summary of the subject researched in the paper by mentioning and exploring the main written works in the field. Content Organization There are several differences that you have to take into account while comparing and creating a research thesis with these 2 elements: In the bibliography, all the articles and books are arranged as a list according to the alphabetical order whereas the literature review has a structure of a regular text with an introduction, paragraphs and conclusion. Annotated bibliography mentions the source only once giving a small description (100-200 words) of its importance. The literature review can repeat the same works several times if it’s required. In the list, each scientific article or journal has to be analyzed separately while the review presents a number of resources and sorts out whether they disagree or agree. As you can see, these 2 elements are completely different and when you know the distinctive features of each one, it’s actually difficult to mix them up. But identifying details don’t end at this point. Formatting While creating an annotated bibliography, it is significant to take into consideration that its single source contains a description together with a citation preceding it. A citation always has to be formatted following the regulations of a certain referencing style (APA, MLA, etc.). A literature review, in its turn, abides by the rules of the text and in-text citation formatting. All in all, the annotated bibliography is a list of works mentioned in the academic paper organized in alphabetical order that gives a brief account of why they are relevant to the research. The literature review, on the other hand, touches upon the topic under research and specifies the major contributions published throughout some period. Bookmark our article with these definitions and characteristic features to keep it handy whenever you need to find your way around this difference again.

Monday, November 4, 2019

SETTING UP A BUSINESS (Business and Management Fda) Essay

SETTING UP A BUSINESS (Business and Management Fda) - Essay Example h a decision, the business owner should consider his or her vision regarding the nature and size of the business, the level of control, the business’s susceptibility to lawsuits and the tax liabilities of each of the structures (Cross et al., 2009, p. 353). In our case, Clare, Jasmine and Sanjita can either decide to form a general partnership, a limited partnership or a corporation. A partnership is a business set-up that is established when two or more people bring their skills and resources together with one goal (Bagley & Dauchy, 2012, p. 287). Notably, a partnership is defined by the Partnership Act as â€Å"a voluntary association of two or more people, each contributing money, skills, labor, property or goodwill as the capital of the new firm† (UK Gov, 1980). A general partnership is a form of partnership where the partners are all fully active each with control within the business. This also makes each one of them fully liable for business debts (Emerson, 2009, p. 267). In reference to Gibson and Fraser (2013, p. 290-94), entrepreneurs would consider a general partnership because each partner has equal authority within the business. This makes each partner partake in decision making within the business. This also implies that every partner acts as an agent to the business and to the other partners. In this case, a partner can transact on behalf of the business and the other associates, thing that would legally bind them (Miller, 2012, p. 387). However, a partner is not authorized to indulge in a business that would have harmful effects to the other partners such as selling the business property without consent of the other associates, sell his or her interest in the organization or admit new partners into the business without the consent of the other associates (Law Commission UK, 2003, s.28 and 29). Another factor that would make entrepreneurs choose a general partnership is the way profits and losses are shared. Unlike other forms of business such as

Friday, November 1, 2019

The topic can be proposed by the writer Assignment - 17

The topic can be proposed by the writer - Assignment Example The delegation of the duties tasked at the heart of the corporation’s management does not essential lie at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The court gives no legal sanction to such agreements which impact on the hindrance of the directors in any substantial way within their duty to exercise their best judgment over the corporation’s management issues (Clarkson, Miller, Cross & Clarkson, 2012). Furthermore, the agreement of contract that James Donald entered into with the DSC Corporation does not in any official manner preclude the board of DSC from fulfilling the corporation’s fiduciary duty and exercise of its statutory powers. The board of directors for the DSC Corporation have the full exercise of their statutory powers within the context of the agreement Donald signed for his contract terms. Therefore, a raise of the point that the contract limits their powers is baseless and only eyes at the financial damage of the corporation may result into in the event of $20 million in the case of termination without cause. On the other hand the due to the court’s limited jurisdiction over the granting a legal sanction on agreements which would hinder in a significant way the director’s authority to best use their rational judgment over the corporation’s management (Mann & Roberts, 2013). The verdict of the case of the plaintiff, C. L. Grimes, and the defendant James Donald is therefore concluded that, the contract signed between James Donald and the DSC Corporation hold and unless there is an occurrence of the stated termination conditions in the agreement, the defendant holds office to the period of the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Managerial Enterprise Theory Presented by Alfred Chandler Essay - 5

Managerial Enterprise Theory Presented by Alfred Chandler - Essay Example The report starts with a short description of the theories proposed by Chandler followed by a discussion of how the theories proposed by Chandler are applicable in the modern corporate setting. The relationship between the strategies proposed according to the theory and the structure of modern economies are identified and explained. Also, a section of the report includes drawing references from the national patterns of management enterprises so that a parallel can be drawn between the theory proposed by Chandler and the importance of these theories in the 20th century corporate and managerial enterprises. The advantages, as well as the shortcomings of the theories proposed by Chandler, are identified and analyzed in detail. The report is concluded by drawing suitable inferences from the analysis and by proposing suitable arguments in favor of the views as per the analysis. The theory postulated by Chandler deals with the functioning of managerial enterprises. As per the view of Chand ler, the managerial enterprises refer to the big scale industrial companies in which the crucial investment and operating decisions are taken in a hierarchical manner in which a number of salaried executives and managers propose the basic decision propositions and the final decisions are taken by a governing body which is the board of directors of the company. The key logic behind Chandler’s theory of managerial enterprise is that the necessary investments in the production, management, and distribution of the enterprise are made with the aim of achieving economies of scale and benefitting from the learning curve for organizations. The main strategic intent of investment decisions is based on creating a dominating presence of the enterprise within the industry in which it operates. In this context, the economies of scale refer to the benefit of a company that the cost of production per unit decreases as the production output volume of the enterprise increases.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nursing Research Problem Essay Example for Free

Nursing Research Problem Essay Infections are a common cause of both morbidity and mortality in premature infants; examples of infections include necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and sepsis (infection of the bloodstream). Infections in premature infants result in prolonged ventilation, prolonged hospitalization, and higher medical costs, and can cause neurodevelopment impairment (Manzoni et al., 2009). The use of high-potency antibiotics can lead to resistant strains of bacteria and potentially damage the infant’s liver and/or kidney function. Within the past decade, research has turned from finding treatments to finding methods to reduce infections. Breastfeeding and human milk has been well supported through research to provide immunity and positive outcomes for preterm and full-term infants. Breastfeeding and human milk provides nutritional, gastrointestinal, immunological, developmental, and psychological benefits to preterm infants and plays an important role on their long-term health and development (Callen Pinelli, 2005). The components of breastmilk that support immunity include lactoferrin, lysozymes, interferon, and sIgA antibody (Callen Pinelli, 2005). Specifically, lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein found not only in breastmilk, but also in saliva, tears, and other bodily secretions; LF has biological functions which include immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects, and inhibits growth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses (Yen et al., 2009). The described functions of LF support the protective role in immunity. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effects of oral lactoferrin supplementation on reducing infections in preterm infants. Nature of Problem and Importance to Nursing Practice A nosocomial infection is described as an infection that is acquired after 48 hours of hospital admission (Rodriguez et al., 2010). In neonates,  a late-onset infection is defined as an infection obtained after the perinatal period (Manzoni et al., 2009). Nosocomial infections include infections of the gastrointestinal tract (necrotizing enterocolitis, NEC), blood stream (sepsis), and lung (pneumonia). The effects of an infection in a preterm infant can lead to â€Å"poor growth, adverse long-term neurological sequelae, increased length of hospital stay, and a substantial cost to families, hospitals, and society† (Rodriguez et al., 2010, p. 207). The risk of nosocomial infections increases with the decreasing birth weight and gestational age, and roughly 21% of very low birth-weight (VLBW) infants will encounter a late-onset infection (Stoll et al., 2002). The most common gastrointestinal infection in premature infants is NEC, affecting 2.6% to 28% of VLBW infants (Lin et al., 2005). NEC is widely considered as a multifactorial disease, with no specific pathogenesis; three major factors have been proposed: the presence of a pathogenic organism, the challenge of enteral feeding, and altered enteric mucosa integrity (Lin et al., 2005). NEC is â€Å"characterized by necrotizing injury to the intestine that requires antibiotic treatment and, in severe cases, surgical intervention† (Brooks et al., 2006, p. 347). Reduction of infections in preterm infants is of high priority and active research is being performed to find safe preventative measures, improve patient outcomes, and decrease hospital length of stay. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein found in mammalian milk and is important in innate immune host defenses (Manzoni et al., 2009). Partial digestion of LF in the stomach produces peptides called â€Å"lactoferricin† that contain more potent antimicrobial activity (Yen et al., 2009). Human colostrum contains more LF than breastmilk, saliva, tears, or other mucosa linings in the body. Studies have been performed to determine bovine or porcine LF effect on prevention of infection in mice and rat pups; conclusions showed a reduction in â€Å"the frequency of bacterial infections in the GI tract while promoting the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species, which are generally believed to be beneficial to the host† (Yen et al., 2009, p. 591). Bovine, porcine, and human LF molecules are similar, and bovine and porcine LF has been reported to show higher antimicrobial activity compared to human LF (King et al., 2007). In 2001, the US Food and Drug Administration declared bovine lactoferrin generally recognized as safe  (CFSAN, 2001). Bovine or human LF can be given as a formula additive, breastmilk additive, or given to patients by swabbing of the mouth, either actively feeding or with nil per os (NPO) statuses. Research studies have now been performed on the effects of bovine or porcine LF on prevention of infections in VLBW and preterm infants, and LF shows to be a promising agent of prevention. Evidence-based Practice Question Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as â€Å"a practice that involves clinical decision-making based on the best available evidence, with an emphasis on evidence from disciplined research† (Polit Beck, 2008, p. 753). Nursing practices are changing in the NICU to include swabbing of the infants mouth with colostrum every six hours to assist in prevention of infection and improve feeding tolerance. The following question is developed to determine the outcomes of infection prevention by LF in preterm infants: Does the supplementation of LF decrease the occurrence of nosocomial infections in preterm infants? Conceptual/Theoretical Framework The studies reviewed did not mention a conceptual or theoretical framework pertaining to the relationship of the subjects investigated. A conceptual model of nursing, Levine’s Conservation Model, can be utilized in applying the methods investigated to provide care and prevention of infection in preterm infants. Levine’s Conservation Model is focused in promoting adaptation and maintaining wholeness using the principles of conservation (â€Å"Current Nursing,† 2010). The model guides the nurse to focus on the influences and responses at the organismic level and accomplish the goals of the model through the conservation of energy, structure, and personal, and social integrity (â€Å"Current Nursing,† 2010). Conservation of energy in preterm infants is necessary for appropriate growth, and is achieved by adequate rest and nutrition; fighting an infection in preterm infants results in NPO status and irritability, thus expending energy. The conservation of structural integrity means to prevent physical breakdown and  promote healing, and is the consequence of an effective immune system (â€Å"Current Nursing,† 2010). The technique of LF supplementation and its potential preventative outcome on infection helps the patient conserve energy and structural integrity. Variables and Findings Manzoni et al. (2009) performed a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial examining whether oral supplementation with bovine LF alone or in combination with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) reduces late-onset sepsis in 472 VLBW infants. The independent variable of this study is the supplementation of bovine LF or LGG and the dependent variable is the occurrence of infections in VLBW infants. The study randomly allocated infants into three groups; groups consisted of a control group (n = 168, infants supplemented with a placebo) and an experimental group (n = 153, infants given bovine LF alone and n = 151, infants given bovine LF with LGG). The main outcome measured the first episode of late-onset sepsis (sepsis occurring after 72 hours of birth); all tests were two-tailed, and P .05 was considered statistically significant (Manzoni et al., 2009). When stratifying for birth weight, Manzoni et al. (2009) noted a significant decrease in late-onset sepsis in extremely low birth-weight (ELBW, birth-weight 1000g) infants (P = .002 for bovine LF v. control and P = .002 for bovine LF plus LGG v. control) whereas it was not significant in infants weighing 1001 to 1500 g (P = .34 for bovine LF v. control and P = .07 in bovine LF plus LGG v. control). Overall, the results showed a significant decrease in the occurrence of infection in VLBW infants in the experimental groups versus the control group (P = .002 for bovine LF v. control and P .001for bovine LF plus LGG v. control) (Manzoni et al., 2010). A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study examined the impact of bovine LF supplementation to bottle-fed infants (King et al., 2006). The participants included 52 infants between the age of 0-4 weeks of age, ≠¥34 weeks of gestational age, and ≠¥2000 g, and who were strictly bottle-fed. The infants were randomized in a double-blind fashion; the control group  received a small dose of bovine LF and the experimental group received a higher dose of bovine LF (King et al., 2006). The independent variable is the supplementation of the higher dose of bovine LF and the dependent variable is the impacts observed in the first year of life. The outcomes measured included diarrhea, upper respiratory infection (URI), acute otitis media (AOM), and lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). The infants were examined six times throughout the year on the measured outcomes. The results showed a significant decrease in the occurrence of LRTIs in the experimental group than in the control group (P 0.05) (King et al., 2006). Even though this study did not include preterm infants 34 weeks, the effects of bovine LF are still apparent in the protection against infection. Yen et al. (2009) performed a study to examine the effects of porcine LF as a selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) regimen in neonatal mice. Transgenic mice were generated to express porcine LF; the neonatal mice fed from the transgenic mice and were then challenged with pathogens to evaluate in vivo antimicrobial activity of porcine LF (Yen et al., 2009). The control group contained mice that were fed normal milk and the experimental group contained mice that were fed the porcine LF (Yen et al., 2009). The independent variable is the transgenic mice with porcine LF supplementation and the dependent variable is the antimicrobial activity observed. The outcome measures included the growth rate of the mice pups, the state of the intestinal tract mucosa, and the circulating cytokines (Yen et al., 2009). Yen et al. (2009) concluded that the experimental group of neonatal mice showed a significant reduction of severity of illness (P .01), a significant inhibition of microbial survival in the intestinal tract (P .01), and a significant decrease in the number of bacteria cultured (P .05) than in the control group. The authors proposed that porcine LF is an ideal natural SDD regimen for the prevention of nosocomial infections in critically ill patients (Yen et al., 2009). Conclusion Research has proven the high incidence of a nosocomial infection and its adverse outcomes in a preterm infant. The efforts of research have changed  to finding a method to reduce or prevent nosocomial infections in preterm infants. Human colostrum is best in supplying the infant with LF to fight infection, but other methods of supplying LF are being studied. Research has recently proven that the supplementation of bovine LF has decreased the occurrence of infections in VLBW and preterm infants. Future research should include a larger, neonatal population specifically targeting VLBW and/or ELBW infants and the effect of LF supplementation on prevention of NEC. Further studies are needed to determine the dosing, duration, and type of LF (bovine, porcine, or human) that will be most effective in the prevention of infection in preterm infants without causing adverse effects or intolerance (Venkatesh Abrams, 2010). References Brooks, H. J. L., McConnell, M. A., Corbett, J., Buchan, G. S., Fitzpatrick, C. E., Broadbent, R. S. (2006). Potential prophylactic value of bovine colostrum in necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates: an in vitro study on bacterial attachment, antibody levels, and cytokine production. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 48, 347-354. doi:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2006.00151.x Callen, J. Pinelli, J. (2005). A review of the literature examining the benefits and challenges, incidence and duration, and barriers to breastfeeding in preterm infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 5(2), 72-88. doi:10.1016/j.adnc.2004.12.003 Current Nursing. (2010). Levine’s four conservation principles. Retrieved on September 23, 2010 from King, J. C., Cummings, G. E., Guo, N., Trivedi, L, Readmond, B. X., Keane, V., †¦ de Waard, R. (2007). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study of bovine lactoferrin supplementation in bottle-fed infants. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 44(2), 245-251. Lin, H., Su, B., Chen, A., Lin, T., Tsai, C., Yeh, T., Oh, W. (2005). Oral probiotics reduce the incidence and severity of necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics, 115 (1), 1-4. doi:10.1542/peds.2004-1463 Manzoni, P., Rinaldi, M., Cattani, S., Pugni, L., Romeo, M. G., Messner, H., †¦ Farina, D. (2009). Bovine lactoferrin supplementation for prevention of late-onset sepsis in very low birth-weight neonates. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(13), 1421-1428. Retrieved on September 4, 2010 from Polit, D. E., Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing research generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Rodriguez, N. A., Meier, P. P., Groer, M. W., Zeller, J. M., Engstrom, J. L., Fogg, L. (2010). A pilot study to determine the safety and feasibility of oropharyngeal administration of own mother’s colostrum to extremely low-birth-weight infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 10(4), 206-212. Stoll, B. J., Hansen, N., Fanaroff, A. A., Wright, L. L., Carlo, W. A., Ehrenkranz, R. A., †¦ Poole, W. K. (2002). Late-onset sepsis in very low birth weight neonates: the experience of the NICHD neonatal research network. Pediatrics, 110(2), 285-291. Retrieved September 9, 2010 from US Food and Drug Administration, CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety. (2001). Agency response letter: GRAS notice (No. GRN 000077). Retrieved on September 23, 2010 from Venkatesh, M. P., Abrams, S. A. (2010). Oral lactoferrin for the prevention of sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Art. No.: CD007137 (5). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007137.pub2 Yen, C., Lin, C., Chong, K., Tsai, T., Shen, C., Lin, M., †¦ Chen, C. (2009). Lactoferrin as a natural regimen for selective decontamination of the digestive tract: recombinant porcine lactoferrin expressed in the milk of transgenic mice protects neonates from pathogenic challenge in the gastrointestinal tract. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 199, 590-598. doi:10.1086/596212

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why is Frankenstein such a popular text? Essay -- English Literature

Why is Frankenstein such a popular text? Frankenstein is a science fiction novel written by Mary Shelley during the time of the Romantic Movement. It has remained popular ever since it was first published and still sells well today, with many reprints of the book since the first edition. One of the main characters of the story and probably the most (in)famous, Frankenstein's monster, has become an icon of all that is monstrous and wrong. The story has been adapted and interpreted many times all in different ways, causing the monster and the stereotypical view of him to become intertextual. The most popular and well recognised representation of the monster and the one that most people would attempt to draw for you if you asked them what he looked like, is that of a huge green man with bolts coming out of the side of his neck and a flat, broad head. This was created for film by Boris Karloff as his interpretation of what the monster should look like. He would typically move very laboriously, with his arms outstretched as if chasing something. His speech is slow and primitive. This, however, is not the true Frankenstein's monster as described in the book, but one created for television and primarily the cinema, as the book centred more on the issues and moral conflicts when dealing with such a creature, whereas cinema and the media tend to concentrate more on the action and thrilling sides of the story. Various other representations of the monster, including characters in television films such as "The Adams Family" and "The Munsters", as well in comics such as "The Incredible Hulk" and "The Fantastic Four", have occurred throughout the twentieth century, causing the image of the "real" monster to becom... ...xtent of what the is doing as sees that the lengths he is willing to go to are not acceptable or justified at all. This culminates two stories, that of Frankenstein's adventure and Captain Walton's giving the reader an increased feeling of cathagy. In conclusion, the two reasons I believe to be why Frankenstein has remained such a popular text are: a. That the central theme of the story and the issues and situations the arise throughout it are becoming more and more relevant in everyday society so people can relate to the story and b. That it is the first true science fiction story ever and so has been promoted as such that it has grabbed everyone's attention. There are probably a number of stories quite similar and perhaps of even better quality than Mary Shelley's work but few people have heard of them and so they remain in Frankenstein's shadow.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Reduce Cheating and Plagiarism :: Expository Process Essays

How to Reduce Cheating and Plagiarism Early in the fall semester, a professor of American studies at Cornell found a three-page paper on the Internet analyzing a poem by Anne Bradstreet. A student in his course had just handed in that very paper. Accused of plagiarism, the student confessed that she had taken the paper from an Anne Bradstreet Web site. She had locked herself out of her apartment the night before the paper was due, she said, and without access to her notes had panicked. Two weeks later, the professor's wife, who teaches psychology, gave an examination to her advanced class. Halfway through the test a student asked to go to the bathroom. She was gone a long time, but the psychologist, who employed the young woman as a lab assistant and was directing her honors thesis, suppressed her suspicions. That evening, she visited the ladies room. In the toilet stall she noticed a sheaf of papers stuffed behind a plumbing pipe. They turned out to b e handouts distributed in the course, covered with notes in what she believed was the student's handwriting. Measured by recent surveys, cheating has reached epidemic proportions in high schools and colleges. In a survey of 21,000 students by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, 70 percent of high school students and 54 percent of middle schoolers admitted that they had cheated on an exam. That is up sharply from a study cited in "The State of Americans: This Generation and the Next," edited by Urie Bronfenbrenner and others.. That study found that 33.8 percent of high school students used a "cheat sheet" on a test in 1969. By 1989 the percentage had risen to 67.8. Furthermore, 58.3 percent of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5 percent did so in 1989. A recent study by the Center for Academic Integrity at Duke University yielded results similar to the Josephson study, with almost 75 percent of college students acknowledging some academic dishonesty. In four focus-group discussions conducted by the Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University, many students appeared blas about academic dishonesty. "I guess the first time you do it, you feel really bad, but then you get used to it," said one. Another asserted: "People cheat. It doesn't make you less of a person or worse of a person. There are times when you just are in need of a little help.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Management Case Study: 15% Employee Payroll Decrease

I hope all is well since our last meeting. As we have recently been confronted with financial difficulties within Austen Pharmaceuticals, I have given extensive consideration in devising an effective plan for adequately addressing the directive of decreasing payroll by 15% and am prepared to share my prospective solution. As this transition will directly impact the employees, I have met with them to apprise them of the proposed cuts that have been presented and will ultimately take place.In an effort to maintain morale and make this evolution as seamless as possible for the employees, I have incorporated some of their ideas and suggestions in constructing the plan to decrease the payroll while preserving the workforce. After reviewing the most current performance evaluations for each employee, I have established a ranking system that rates each employee based on their overall performance in addition to any individual contributions that they have made which resulted in more efficiency within our division.By rating the employees based on performance, this provides a reference point to determine the most productive employees versus those who are marginal in the event that lay-offs are inevitable. The first step in fulfilling the objective of the plan is to immediately eliminate overtime and have salaried staff help out where possible to complete the work.Next, is to restructure or reduce the amount of hours that each employee works while allowing them to maintain their benefits. The more productive employees will work during peak hours and the average staff will work during  off-peak hours. This will allow for the work to be completed while utilizing our best resources when the workflow is the highest. The final step in the plan is to cut pay for each employee based on their performance. The pay cuts will be based on the rankings providing a 1% cut for the best performance and a 3% cut for those who are within the lower rankings. This will allow for our best per former to be acknowledged for their efforts while meeting the needs of the company. Additionally, this will allow our average performers to maintain employment while striving to improve performance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The United States and the Articles of Confederation essays

The United States and the Articles of Confederation essays From 1781 to 1789, the Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an ineffective government. However, there were some strong steps taken in the articles to try and make the United States a better country. The Articles created a simple confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government. But in the end, the Articles of Confederation didn't help the United States manage. The Articles of Confederation arranged a national government that would consist of a single house of Congress, where each state would have one vote. Congress had the power to set up a postal department that estimates the costs of the government and request donations from the states and to raise armed forces. Congress could also borrow money to declare war or enter into treaties and alliances with foreign nations. With this power, Congress was able to make the Articles of Confederation look good by signing the Treaty of Paris in 1783. This treaty, signed along with Great Britain, concluded the American Revolution. Great Britain recognized the thirteen colonies as the free and independent United States of America. However, the most important power was that Congress had the right to obtain territory and control development of the western territories, which was previously controlled by Great Britain. (Doc D) With the Articles of Confederation, the United States was able to break away f rom Great Britain and become a free nation, setting up their government. Although the articles set the United States free, it was unable to provide them with a solid government. People like John Jay and James Madison question the Articles of Confederation because of the weak government. (Doc G) There were several problems between the states and the central government. For example, sometimes the states refused to give the government the money it needed. The government could not pay off the debts it had made during the revolution, includin...